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Mô hình mô phỏng quá trình chăm sóc lồng ngực trẻ em
Trung Quốc
12 tháng
Model: GD/H167
Hãng sản xuất: General Doctor
Tiêu chuẩn: ISO
LH 02633.602.435
1. Mainly used for child thoracocentesis training. Can perform standard thoracocentesis operation.
2. Obvious marks on the body surface. Can touch the ribs and intercostal space.
3. Can perform pleural effusion puncture in the bilateral posterior axillary line and the scapular line.
4. Correct puncture operation can extract pleural effusion.
5. Made of high quality mixed rubber. Size of a real child (3 years old) with accurate anatomic structure, vivid and soft.
6. Convenient to clean. Can be used repeatedly
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