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Mô hình điều dưỡng trẻ sơ sinh đầy đủ chức năng
Trung Quốc
12 tháng
Hãng sản xuất: General Doctor
Tiêu chuẩn: ISO
LH 02633.602.435
1. Holistic care: diaper changing, wear and replace clothes, mouth care, cold and hot therapy, bandaging;
2. Venous transfusion/puncture, arm veins include and Scalp vein includes.
3. Gastric intubation: detect tube position by means of auscultation; can practice gastrointestinal decompression, nasal feeding, gastric lavage, etc;
4. Bone marrow puncture: practice tibial puncture; outflow of simulative bone marrow shows proper puncture operation; drug liquid can be injected into and can practice transfusion operation;
5. CPR operation training: Support multiple ventilation ways: mouth to mouth, mouth to nose, BVM to mouth; electronic monitoring of inflation frequency, volume, compression number, frequency and depth; can only practice inflation or compression;
6. Auscultation:the heart sound, the breathing sound, the bowel sound .
7. Defibrillating and pacing: simulating the defibrillation and pacing, can be used with different real defibrillator and pacemaker to achieve the real defibrillation and pacing.
8. ECG: simulating ECG, can be used with different real ECG to achieve the real ECG.
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