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Trung Quốc
12 tháng
Hãng sản xuất: General Doctor
Tiêu chuẩn: ISO
LH 02633.602.435
This simulator permits instruction and training in the skills associated with injection, infusion and metachysis. The venous system consists of scalp vein, left and right arm veins, femoral vein, great saphenous vein, small saphenous vein and umbilical vein.
1. Scalp vein (brow scalp veins, superficial temporal veins) puncture, venous injection, infusion and metachysis
2. The median basilic vein on the right and left arm
3. Right leg - femoral vein
4. Right leg - great aphenous and small aphenous veins
5. Umbilical vein
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