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Mô hình kỹ năng điều dưỡng phẫu thuật
Trung Quốc
12 tháng
Hãng sản xuất: General Doctor
Tiêu chuẩn: ISO
LH 02633.602.435
The simulator provides commonly used surgical incisions, which simulate all kinds of female thoracic and abdominal incisions, tube drains and amputation stump. Students can practice wounds treatments of washing, disinfecting, changing dressing, bandaging and etc. The skin is dry, soft and flexible, allowing the bandages to adhere better.
1. Thyroidectomy
2. Mid-sternal split - with two chest tube drains
3. Right mastectomy - with simulated drain
4. Right cholecystectomyn - with simulated T-tube
5. Laparotomy
6. Appendectomy
7. Left colostomy
8. Right ileostomy
9. Abdominal Hysterectomy (transverse incision)
10. Left nephrectomy (thoraco-abdominal incision)
11. Right nephrectomy (oblique incision)
12. Laminectomy
13. Sacral decubitus ulcer - stage 2
14. Right thigh amputation stump
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