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Mô hình đào tạo nội soi phế quản
Trung Quốc
12 tháng
Hãng sản xuất: General Doctor
Tiêu chuẩn: ISO
LH 02633.602.435
1. The model shows the upper half body of adult with realistic morphology and true feeling.
2. Nasal cavity is roomly and soft; trachea and bronchial tree with elasticity and suppleness, which extremely decreases the possinility of instrumental injury.
3. Available hyposokinesis and swing to the left and to the right, which is easy to put tye body position for operation.
4. If incorrect operation leads excessive pressure on the teeth there will be voice prompt with alarm.
5. Put a stethoscope in lung auscultation area to fix the postion of duct.
6. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy.
7. Rigid bronchoscopy.
8. Optic fiberscope guide to nasal cavity.
9. Tracheal intubation via mouth.
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